What’s the best way to run? Should you run on your heels or toes? What about various shoes and their effect on the way you run? Our feet are designed in a way which makes it possible to run, walk or just support our weight. There was actually a study[¹] done …
Four Systems of Detox
You may have seen lots of emails about cleansing strategies from other people in the health and fitness space recently. When people talk about detox it is typically only about what you put in your mouth and what comes out the other end. But that’s not the only way the …
The nutrient I talked about yesterday also has a certain effect which has helped me to significantly increase the results in my workouts. But it must be used in the RIGHT way and in combination with a few other things. When I first started physical training I was bodybuilding in …
Amazing Nutrient Benefits
It’s actually been a year since I was first really introduced to a certain nutrient and began a wide range of experiments with it. It’s cheap and common but almost no one has a idea of all the benefits it can bring. According to a book by medical doctors it: …
Getting on a Food Kick
I’ve decided I’d like to work towards the point where I’m preparing the vast majority of the foods I eat from scratch. I think this would be enjoyable as well as help me become even healthier. So this past weekend I got on a kick and did quite a bit. …
Wrist Flexibility Exercises
I put up a new post at Breaking Muscle on Wrist Flexibility with three exercises to help you strengthen wrists and hands. 3 Drills for Building Wrist Flexibility If you’re going to do handstands or many other gymnastic moves, then your hands and wrists can take a beating. Think about …
What To Do If You Can’t Squat Without Pain
I received a question from one of my subscribers who simply said that he has problems doing squats, wondering what should he do. Since this is a pretty general question, the best I can do is to give a general answer. This type of problem differs from one individual to …
I was Wrong about Coffee
I’ve never been a coffee drinker…until very recently. The reason for this is that it didn’t taste good to me and I never really felt the effects of the caffeine that everyone else seemed so hooked on. Add to this that I don’t drink milk, or like to add sugar …
I’m Gluten Sensitive
If you listened to my podcast with Dr. Peter Osborne from the other week you’ll know that I was taking a genetic test to find whether or not I was gluten sensitive. Well the results came back the other day and I am. Dr. Osborne stated that about 30% of …
Podcast: Gluten Sensitivity with Dr. Peter Osborne
Dr. Peter Osborne discusses gluten sensitivity in detail you won’t find from most doctors. [display_podcast] The difference between Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity Why just avoiding “gluten-free” grains may not be enough Not sensitive? Find out if grains are still your best choice Genetic testing vs. Blood testing How gluten …
Buying an Eighth of a Cow
One of my favorite foods is beef. It tastes good and can also be good for you. So much of the “nutrition world” still believes that red meat is bad for you. You look at things like The China Study or documentaries like Forks Over Knives and you’ll get this …
Naturally Drops Off With Age
Just the other day I was reading a book on smart nutrients to improve mental capacity. It’s a fascinating field! If you’ve ever watched the movie Limitless you may see why I’m doing this as I work towards a new mental formula for SuperManHerbs.com I came across one line that …
What Supplements Do I Take?
In today’s video I’ll talk about something people ask really frequently, and that’s what supplements do I take? Most of the supplements I am about to show you is something most people take regularly and for a good reason – most people are chronically deficient in these nutrients. I try …
Marilyn Monroe, Breast Development and Recovering from Your Workouts
The other day I was going through a book on hypnosis by Leslie Lecron. This man worked with the famous actress Marilyn Monroe early in her career. Did you know that early on when she was trying out for acting gigs she would become paralyzed with fear when she had …
How to Deal with Joint Pain
How do you deal with joint pain? Most people had this problem at one point of their lives so it’s definitely something worth addressing. One of the most important things to look for is the cause of your joint pain. If you are able to pinpoint the exact cause of …